Tuesday, September 28, 2010

yes ma'am

I have always been attracted to strong men. Black, white, latino, straight laced or possibly not straight...the common thread is that they were all strong willed men who took charge of a situation. I say one thing, they do another. Or nothing at all. The battle of wills is a bit of a turn-on.

I realized tonight that this new man does what I tell him to do.

"Get up and take another tylenol before your headache gets worse."

He hopped up and took the damned pill.

"You need chicken soup and gatorade if you are feeling sick."

From 25 miles away, he got the text, dragged his miserable butt off the couch, and bought himself gatorade. Ate chicken soup.

"You sound sleepy. You are still dressed? Get up, take off your pants, hang them up, and go to sleep."

I hear rustling as he is moving off the bed. He says, "Oh yes, please order me to do so."

That is when I caught on to this pattern and its implications in bed. I don't know if I think it is the hottest thing on earth or if it is annoying. Now I will simply focus on using this new found power for good.

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