Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tonight was good. I went on a date with a short bald man who wears little rimless glasses, has a pointy egg-head, ears that stick out every-so-slightly, and who quotes Yoda. The Yoda makes the former description all the better, doesn't it?

Tonight was good! I like this little man who quotes Yoda. Keep in mind that I am six feet tall, so "little" means 5'8". Conversation was pleasant. He made me laugh in a good way. I couldn't read how he felt about the night, but he mentioned going to a football game.

In summary, I've stumbled upon a date experience that leaves me with hope. Even if it is a short-lived hope, it is waaaaaaaaay more hope than I've had in years. This may actually be the most positive I've felt after a first date with anyone!

I am not falling asleep with dreams of marriage or even of making out. I do lay in bed hopeful that a man likes me as much as I like him. For my cynical, weary self, that is a wonderful gift! Thank you, Yoda!

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