There is a wonderful boy who is taking all of my time. He seems to need me already. We talk for at least an hour every night. Things are quickly slipping into a relationship status. When we are together he looks adoringly into my eyes and just stays there. And, of course, he is a good kisser.
A call every night.
Increasing physical affection.
The Mr. Darcy look.
After 5 dates, I am falling in love with a man who might be using me for my mind. I need to pass him a note saying "Do you think I'm pretty? Check yes, no, or maybe."
He has not once commented in my physical appearance. Yes, his tongue and his hard-on pressed against me comment. I happen to know that men place their dicks and tongues in all kinds of places, including women that they aren't attracted to.
There have been no confessions of his affections. He has not said that he likes me. Or that he has a crush on me. Or, really, anything that I've usually heard from a man a dozen times by the 5th date. Once I asked him how he liked dating a tall woman. He said, "well, it is different."

I am not a needy woman. I am no more vain or prideful than anyone else while dating. I do need to know that a man thinks I am amazing. He worships me. He closes his eyes and pictures my face. He thinks that I am the best fucking thing since sliced bread. (btw- whom he is not fucking)
Those thoughts all help with the dating process. We all want to be with someone who takes our breath away. I've taken enough breathe's away just by taking down my hair that I know I have that power over men. Especially at the beginning.
He takes my breathe away. Last night, I looked down at his giant bald head laying in my lap, at his short and ironically hairy body, and thought "I want to marry this man and have his short bald babies."
He took my breathe away, but I can sure the hell take it back if I don't hear him confess his worship of me as a woman in the next week or two. Yup. The breathe will re-enter my lungs and my sexy body, mind, and soul will have to walk away broken-hearted. I cannot settle for a wonderful man who loves my mind but not me as a whole woman.
Oh please, bald man, please tell me what you are thinking. And start thinking about me naked. Thank you! Jenny
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