The good: He was a nice man. He seemed nervous and, therefore, very interested in me. He did not make any creeper moves. Toward the end of the date the conversation improved a little bit.
The bad: I was not attracted to him. He wasn't ugly, but there was no spark. He also talked about himself a LOT, which reminded me of a harsh dating pattern in my life. The date goes well if I ask the man about himself and let him talk. He always thinks it is a great date. I leave feeling like I just played the role of minister.
The ugly: If you are going to take a woman to a museum for a date, act as if you are comfortable in museums. He was antsy and too distracted to look at the art. His unintelligence came through when he said he had a test for me. He took me to an abstract painting and said, "Is this really art? I mean, why is this in a museum?" That seemed to be his main comment the entire time. Good job, Mr. 38 year-old. You are making the jokes I made in the 10th grade. Other adults are uncomfortable for you because you are talking too loud and saying sad, sad things.
He was not the man of my dreams. He asked if I was an art major because I read the plaques on the wall and noticed the texture of the paintings. Let's be clear. I used no big words and I know next to nothing about art. I said things like, "that is a LOT of paint." He was intimidated. I didn't have the heart to tell him I went to Princeton.

The date was not a work of art. It was, however, a start. I left the date tired and disappointed, but at least I did my hair and wore a sexy shirt. Baby steps.
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