Tuesday, September 7, 2010

date #2

On Thursday I am going to have drinks with a short, bald man. He is a Methodist minister in the city (yay!) who went to a good school (yay!) and who writes in complete sentences (yay!). I am not falling asleep dreaming of this little minister-man. So far, he falls into the pattern I was reminded of in date #1. We talk about him and his ministry. He thinks that I am wonderful and that we are hitting it off. I feel like I am at work.

Oh well. At least I will do my hair and must do laundry before Thursday. I am forcing self-care upon myself by dating again. It is screwed up, but at least it is something.

p.s. Today sucked ass. A crazy drug-addicted man showed back up in my office telling me about his month on the run with a 15 year-old girl he was trying to knock up. We always see him when he's been released from jail. He sang two songs and talked for an hour about who he has beat up since I saw him last, including the 15 year-old girl.

My car (old car) did not start and I need to sell it this week. While that affirms my need for the new car, it sucks ass.

I lost 5 hours worth of mind-numbing typing work on an external hard drive that apparently doesn't save changes.

Now I have heartburn sitting in bed. That Hostess cupcake at midnight probably didn't help. See? If I had a man in my bed, I wouldn't have eaten that Hostess cupcake.

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