Monday, September 13, 2010


Okay, so predictably he did not email by 2pm today. I've decided to step away from being the anxious, hopeful girl right now. Instead, I contacted a younger, hotter PhD student that I'd been talking to before going on any dates.

We will probably hang out this weekend. He is hot. And younger. Ha. (okay, so I'm not really excited about the hotter, younger PhD student because he is on the rebound and only 25 and wants to be with an older woman, which screams mommy issues)

Now I don't need to check my email. I have a date with a hot, young PhD student with mommy issues. He is 1) intelligent 2) a Christian and 3) working in a career. Maybe I will try to get a picture before the date goes south.

Now that little bald methodist man can take his time in emailing me. I do have a life, you know. (I think if I keep saying it, it will be true)

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