And so we talked. It was a good conversation. Warm, affectionate, and I was damned charming. We are going to a concert and dinner on Friday. In addition to those fairly satisfying events, he emailed twice after we hung up just to thank me for the wonderful conversation.
I am relieved. This isn't because of the silly weakness you expect- because a short bald man finally asked me out again. It is because I can now cancel the tentative date with the young, hot PhD student with mommy issues. That is a different kind of silly weakness!
Tonight I've decided to put all of my eggs into one basket and see how this plays out. Such decisions are almost guaranteed to lead to more disappointment and heartache. Playing out may end after this weekend and I will have to go back to that PhD student with a few broken eggs.

So, there they are. All in one basket. That doesn't mean that my entire heart is in there with the eggs. Just a lot of hope.
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