Thursday, April 1, 2010

It is finished...

Today is Maundy Thursday. It is the night that Christians remember the last supper that Christ shared with his disciples before being arrested and killed. In general, it is a necessary bummer of a day. It would be nice if this blog were a deep reflection on the sacrifice that Christ made and our own sinful natures.

Nope. Not happening.

This is about the end of my relationship. It is done! I'd like to say that I bravely and compassionately began the break-up conversation. No such luck. I did, however, get very lucky. He emailed me and began the break-up, saying that he thought I was about to dump him. I simply had to agree.

It was kind and beautiful. We will talk face to face tomorrow, but it is done.

The minute that I read his email, I no longer wanted a Cadbury egg. Did you hear that? I have 16 Cadbury eggs sitting in my living room. Don't want a single one. Do you know how many of those magical candies I've eaten in the last 3 weeks? As soon as I knew I needed to dump this wonderful man, I began buying and eating them like crazy. More than I can count. Dozens. It has been my primary food source. I've honestly built meals around what I needed to eat before I can eat more Cadbury eggs. The relationship ends. No more Cadbury eggs.

Yes. You are right. This is a sign of a deep psychological issue. Oh well! I will figure it out the next time I need to break up with a man. Now I am back to my 6-month sabbatical from men. For real.

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