Friday, April 2, 2010

The Sabbatical, Day One

Since my first attempt at a 6 month break from men didn't "take," I am starting over today. April 2, 2010. You may inform the men of the world that I will be available for dating on October 2, 2010. That is good timing. It gives me a few weeks to pick back up on dating before I turn 32 in October. (ha. like men will be waiting in line)

Here is day one so far:

I slept late. Ate chocolate in bed (not because I needed to but because I've already paid for it. duh.). Put on a cute outfit that was downgraded to "almost cute" because I didn't want to iron. No makeup, no hair done. Went to work just long enough to feel comfortable not being needed. Went shopping for shoes and found the perfect pair of flats for $14.

I ate KFC for lunch. I hate KFC, but this week's Southpark episode was about KFC and pot. It left me craving both. KFC was a slightly less immoral choice and much easier to find.

Now I am blogging at work and waiting a reasonable time until I go home and poop. I might take a nap wearing my mumu granny nightgown.

Wow, my life is glamorous as a single woman!

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