Monday, April 26, 2010

strange turn of events...

Flashback to 2008:

I am dating a 38 year-old soldier who lives in an apartment complex near my work. We are madly in love and, therefore, make love. Sometimes, quite loudly.

That was one of my largest regrets of dating the soldier. His bedroom shared a wall with an apartment full of conservative Christian college students. As the relationship unfolded, I got to know one of the kids next door. He'd walk into the open kitchen door where my boyfriend was standing in his underwear smoking a cigarette . The conservative kid would sit at the kitchen table and talk to us while my boyfriend offered him a beer. The kid knew that I was a minister at the church down the street.

He thought I was going to hell. I remember listening to neighbors have sex when I lived in an apartment. It isn't a sound you can confuse or forget. Now and then, I drive past that apartment complex and regretfully re-live the moments of our bed knocking against that wall of conservative judgement.


That same conservative kid is now a youth minister. He just invited me to speak at his church.

Whaaaat? Of course, I said yes. I am relieved! Overjoyed! A little worried!

It may be that he didn't put together the knocking noises with sex. Maybe he didn't care if he saw my car staying the night. Probably, he finally got laid and decided that people in love making love isn't that bad of a thing. I don't know. This is a strange turn of events. I'll let you know how the speaking engagement goes. We have until June.

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