Thursday, April 29, 2010

confession day

The green shake challenge is going well! I've only missed two days of shakes (today being the second). So far, the biggest changes I notice are that I have a lot of energy after a shake, I don't get hungry for a while, and I poo. A lot.

Have I lost weight? No. The goodness created by fruits, vegetables, and swimming is cancelled out by my new obsession. Boneless buffalo wings. I hated those orange food products two months ago. Now I crave them every day. It started with Applebees' wings (the good stuff) and my habit has taken desperate turns. I like KFC wings, hate Wendy's wings, am surprisingly satisfied with McDonald's chicken tenders dipped into buffalo sauce, and finally bought frozen ones tonight that I spruced up with bottled sauce. These are ALL things I've tried in the last two weeks.

The grocery store wings may help me break this little addiction. Frozen chicken meat is not the highest quality. The bottled sauce, however, is great. I can add it to almost anything. I wonder how it would be on eggs?

Worry not! Like every food obsession, this will pass in a few more days. I hope that it will be replaced with one of my healthier obsessions- like watermelon or grilled chicken.

Second confession: I LOVE the show Let's Make a Deal. Jonathan Mangum is the co-host to Wayne Brady. I've been obsessed with Jonathan for years. He was a frequent commercial actor and I had a commercial crush on him. Once I started following him, it became very exciting to see him fight a cough on an airplane while advertising Nyquil.
The show itself is awesome. Should that teacher from South Dakota take the curtain or the cash? Oh, how I hope that it isn't a Zonk! I am so happy that the couple from New York won a trip to Rome! Everyone knows that after two Zonks in a row, you always take the curtain.

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