Sunday, April 18, 2010

the short list

Here is a short list of do's and don't's if you want to date a minister:

1) Show up if they are preaching, unless they preach often.
2) Listen to their sermon/song/litany/lesson and find positive things to say.
3) Tell that person how great they did, how good they looked, and how proud you are of them.
4) If you visit the church, don't expect a lot of attention. Maybe expect none. Even if you don't feel it, all eyes are on your minister friend. Try to blend into the crowd and do not take it personally if you don't get special treatment.
5) Keep your beliefs to yourself, especially if they are that all Christianity is a joke.
6) Even if it is true, never respond to seeing your minister friend in action by saying, "I could do it better," or by giving them tips. Don't even say "I think I could do that." All that means is that they made it look easy.

Now here is a shorter list for ministers who want to date:

1) Do not let your ex visit your church and listen to you preach. It is awkward and he will act like a prick.
2) Do not invite a new boyfriend to your church until you've dated for 3 months and are on your way to serious. Before then, it isn't worth the risk.

Guess who preached today? Guess who's ex-boyfriend solidified his status as an "ex" by acting like a dick during and after church? I didn't invite him. He came anyway. (that's what she said)

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