Sometimes that Grim comes in how a man treats me in public (or private). With others, it is repeated bad grammer or stupid Republican views. A few times, it was a phone conversation that left me with an unshakeable feeling that they were lying to me.
I had my glimpse today with the new hot boyfriend. Grant it, he is 22 and I am 31. That is not exactly a formula for a long-lasting union.
The Grim-Reaper:
Today he called to cancel our plans. That is no problem at all.
Problem. He cancelled because he was going to a lawyer's office with his best friend, Austin. Austin is our Grim Reaper.
On a Tuesday night, Austin found trouble in a city an hour from his house. Someone tried to run him over. I am sure that he was completely innocent in the situation. Not.* Austin was very upset, so he called for help. By the time that my Hot Boyfriend got there, the trouble passed. My sweet, nurturing Hot Boyfriend took Austin (who dresses like a thug, by the way) home.
Today, Austin asked Hot Boyfriend to take him to a lawyer. He wanted to see if he could press charges against the thug who tried to run him over...but only if he can get money.
Really? How did Hot Boyfriend think that this was a good idea? How long does it take you to realize that your friend is an idiot who belongs on Jerry Springer? Why didn't Hot Boyfriend say "hell no, I will not go to a lawyer with you....leave it alone." How do you find trouble on a Tuesday night?
This thug of a best friend likes to pick fights, thrives on drama, and has no judgement. With him, Hot Boyfriend seems to lose all wisdom. I just became the girlfriend who hates the best friend. The end is coming.
We will talk about it tonight. Did I mention that Hot Boyfriend is non-violent, but if he is thrown in jail with the beloved Austin, he can be deported? No more hope of citizenship?
I am feeling very 31 today. If you were good enough to read this entire post, here is a treat:

I told you he was hot.
* That is the first time I've said "Not" in that manner since 1996. We should bring it back.
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