So I was at my first sex fetish conference (I told you to go with it, remember?). This is not an orgy or even a porn-worthy event. My clothes stayed on all night and I did not leave with new toys, outfits, or interests. I went in my church clothes and stayed in them all night.
Believe it or not, it was educational. The first 2 1/2 hours of the evening are spent listening to someone lecture. One of the speakers writes books. Okay, he wrote ONE book and the rest was erotica, which I don't read or count as literature.
Here is the complaint. The speakers for the night promoting their lifestyles of 1) polyamorous families 2) age play. That didn't bother me because I was ready to hear things that I did not agree with or feel comfortable hearing. The problem is how they promoted themselves as members of society.
Polyamorous groups are pretty much people who date, love, live with, and/or screw a lot of people. After their explanations, I decided that they just create churches. Instead of worshipping God, they screw. All other aspects are the same as church- the need for community, learning about yourself by investing in others, learning to communicate, blah, blah, blah.

My boyfriend and I both love to watch people (observe human nature, NOT watch them have sex). Sex fetish lectures are a GREAT place to do so. We are not kinky or obsessed with sex. It was more of a "how can you NOT go to a sex fetish conference about age play?" kind of evening.
I did not expect to care as much as I did about the subject. No, I don't care about polygamy or age play. Since David (in the Bible) was a man after God's own heart and he had hundreds of wives and whores, I didn't find myself condeming these folks. I just don't agree on an emotional level.
Toward the end of the lecture, the main speaker went into the rights of people in polyamorous relationships. He was trying to be inspiring, to draw the crowd into community. "If your fetish is to dress like a horse, I will stand for you. If your thing is to wear diapers, I will stand for you. We must stand together for our rights. Like members of the gay community, we face opposition and discrimination. There will be a day when sticking a ponytail in your ass and acting like a horse will NOT get you fired. It is who you are."

Hold on. Whoooah (pun intended). My bullshit and anger meter went off the scale. It is cool with me if you like to put on a diaper and be fed through a bottle. That is NOOOOOT the same as being gay. I just knew as this speaker spewed his bullshit, a baby girl in China began to cry because someone made it all the more difficult for her to be adopted by two wonderful American daddies.
Fetish is not the same as gay. Stupid, stupid, diaper wearing whore of a man. A fetish is an act that you are drawn to while experiencing sexuality. It happens in the bedroom. When you go to the office, you don't wear your horse outfit. The governement will still let you get married in a diaper. Those are preferences. They are all formed through life experiences. (no, I don't have any fetishes)
Gay and lesbian couples are not fighting for the right to wear costumes or have orgies. They are born loving one gender. When they decide to buy a house, get married, adopt their baby from China, and be a normal family, there is a 330 lb man with a horse saddle strapped to his back asking to be accepted just like the gays.
Damn it, dude! Shut up and keep your kink in the bedroom, where everyone else keeps sex! Leave the large oppressed gay population out of your campaign! It is not the same!
You're going to have to explain to me how you ended up at this event! I love the visuals - sounds like you learned some pretty crazy stuff!