Thursday, March 25, 2010

a cheesy life metaphor part 1

I was listening to NPR while they interviewed Charles Barkley's mom. She said, "Always walk like you are going somewhere."

My walk is a big reflection of where I am in life. This is true for most people, but since I am a female with the body of a linebacker, it is more obvious when my walk changes.

When I am depressed, I am barely aware of walking- losing all grace or sense of direction. When I hate myself or feel ugly, I walk hunched down- trying to take up as little space as is possible. When I feel beautiful, I walk slowly and purposefully. When I am trying to empower myself or trying to feel sexy, I walk strong- like the woman in the picture to the right. --> My shoulders are back, chest stuck out, stomach sucked in, head held high, and my stride is long and almost graceful.

I miss that last walk. It rarely comes out these days. We should all walk as if there is an audience watching us in awe. We should walk as if we are going somewhere.

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