Sunday, March 21, 2010

Touched by the Grim

A few posts ago, I talked about glimpsing the Grim Reaper of my current relationship. That particular issue hid in the closet never to been seen again. Unfortunately, the friendly little Grim was replaced by an ass-kicking, relationship-ending issue last night.

This weekend I had a wonderful extended date that ended in tears. I felt like Tom Hanks who walked onto an elevator with his girlfriend and walked off of it as a single man.

We cuddled, slept together (the literal sleeping), slept together several times (the non-literal multiple orgasm causing past-time), talked, laughed, went to the mall to watch people's body language and judge them was the relationship from heaven.

Halfway through our shared pasta dish, he began talking about a new subject. That was the end of us.

Have I mentioned on this blog that I am a minister? Yes, I am a super-liberal, sex-loving, fetish convention going, cussing, drinking kind of minister. When dating someone new, especially in the light manner of this last relationship, their faith is not a deal breaker. I can't date someone who worships Satan. I do have to date someone who can respect Christianity.

Respect. Our conversation last night revealed that the hot, young, kind, funny, intelligent Colombian had a strong disdain for Christianity and all religions. He wasn't just apathetic. He went on a faith journey that led him to believe that anyone in a church is an idiot. As he spoke, a scowl crossed his face.

Hello? I am a minister. He met me while working at our church. The faith in Christ part of my life pretty much IS my life. As strange as it sounds, my faith in Christ informs everything, including how I attend fetish conferences and say "fuck you" to the world.

That was the end of us. He was fine dating me while thinking that my entire life's work was a joke. I was not okay with that.

Goodbye, sweet boyfriend. Goodbye, hottest straight man I may ever kiss.

I am now on a six month break from men. This is actually something I've wanted to do for a while now. You may now look forward to charming posts about anything but romance. You are my accountability.*

*I hold the right to cancel this dating sabbatical if Prince Charming knocks on my door and offers to mow my lawn.

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