Friday, October 8, 2010

the single sits alone

Where is the pastor? Off to California with his wife to see his daughter, son-in-law, and all of the glamours of Hollywood. Meeting famous people (literally. the son-in-law works for a TV show) and exploring the west coast.

Where is the single minister? Alone. In her house.

Where is the music minister? Off to the beach with his beautiful family! They will stay in a beach-front cabin for free and enjoy the sounds of the ocean on a crisp, clear September night.

Where is the single minister? Alone. In her house.

Where is the children's minister? Off to the mountains! She will go to a huge college football game with her husband and 5 beautiful daughters. They will bundle up in the beautiful fall weather, take pictures in school colors, visit favorite spots, and catch up with old friends.

Where is the single minister? Alone. In her house.

Where are the college students? Off to vacations and to go home for a long weekend! They will leave all work behind them, relax while mom does their laundary, and take crazy road trips together.

Where is the single minister? Alone. In her house.

At least tomorrow is Saturday and I will sleep late. I will do housework, sell my used car, and think lovingly of my friend who is getting married on the other side of the country. I love you, Lizzie! My heart will be with you while I am working alone. In my house.

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