He is nice and intelligent. He messaged me first because he went to seminary and has worked in ministry. I've enjoyed our conversations but there was a nagging feeling that he might be, well, gay.
Today is Tuesday. He just let me know via IMing that he
1) lives with his parents
2) does not have a job and hasn't had a job in 1 1/2 years
3) collects dozens of pretty little figurines.
You know those little carolers with the wide open mouths and old-timey clothes that old ladies put out at Christmas? Yeah. He has 35. Displayed in a glass case year round.

So now I am left with the question. Do I still go on the date? I'm thinking that it may produce too many good stories to pass on. Actually, I've never backed out of a date before it happened. The coward in me will win this week.
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