Wednesday, October 6, 2010

rebound date

Yes, I really am this weak. Or maybe I am determined.

I'm going on a rebound date tomorrow night with a guy named Tim. Does it really count as a rebound date if the previous non-relationship only lasted two weeks? No, not completely.

Tim gets the label of rebound because I recognize my own strong desires to fill a void and distract myself from the confused feeling of rejection still lingering after the short bald preacher.

There is a 70% chance that Tim is a loser. I'm meeting him for drinks because he seems like a genuinely nice, dependable guy. He is a Christian. He babysits for his friends on a regular basis. Takes care of his dad. My expectations are low for Tim because he is 4 classes short of a degree from the University of Pheonix. Snobby and judgemental much? His job also sounds like one of those bull-shit jobs people make up.

Expectations are low, but I'm going back out there. In public. Without handing out my phone number.

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