I had a moment tonight while looking at my reflection in the mirror of the women's bathroom at On the Border. First, I realized that I am pretty. I am dateable pretty. People smile at me when I walk by because my face is pleasant and pretty.
Second, I realized that I have had my fill of dating for a while. You see, I was in the bathroom taking a break from my date with Will.
Will is a nice man with a great personality. He is cute in that teddy-bear kind of way and he fits my criteria for a date (educated Christian with a full-time job)!
As of 7:56pm tonight, I've had all that I can handle for now. It is time to let the shittiness of looking for love digest and just chill being alone.
What did Will do? Nothing. I was his FIRST date after the end of a 14 year marriage. Very first date. He is a very nice man in crisis. I'm pretty sure that Will recently dyed his hair blonde. He had it cut short and spikey. Trying to look younger? I don't know. I've already sent him a "not gonna be your rebound" email and offered to hang out as just friends.
He really was nice. In that recently-divorced-proving-that-he-can-move-on kind of way. No thank you, Will.
In the last month my dating included:
museum man who was uncomfortable in museums
the man who left me crushed and confused
the man whose IQ was that of a 10 year-old
caroler figurine man (I count him, even if I cancelled the date)
the man who just ended a marriage of 14 years
This was a rough re-entry month after my sabbatical. I can't take any more. I'm not going back to the sabbatical. I am just not going to look for love anymore. If Mr. Right wants to come into my life, he has to drive out to the Boone Docks and knock on my door. Probably twice because I am usually naked when people knock the first time.