Tuesday, February 16, 2010

what is going on?

What is happening to me? Three dates with a 22 year-old and he is wooing me faster than any grown man I've encountered. One of two things are true. Either I've stumbled upon a ridiculously unexpected miracle of a man or he is full of shit.

The problem is that "full of shit" comes in many forms. Some men are full of shit on purpose. They know how they feel and they have a goal. The goal usually involves sex. These men (women do it too) say whatever is necessary to achieve their goal, even if it involves completely false reflections of their heart.

Other men are full of shit, but just can't help themselves. They are victims of their own imaginations and unfortunately drag us along with them. Great romantic gestures, twitterpated proclamations, and full-speed relationship building are all fueled by a desire for the imaginary relationship. That is a problem because it isn't about you. They bullshit you about how special you are when you aren't actually the desire of their heart. They fall in love with a fairy tale, not an overweight minister. Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in a NYC park have won their hearts beyond reality.

So, now I plan to keep dating this wonderful man. I will date and wait for some form of truth. I will pray that this kind, sexy, considerate, romantic gentleman is actually falling for me. I will hold my breathe for the bullshit to hit the fan.

Did Cinderella have these thoughts? No, she was busy thinking about shoes.

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