Friday, February 19, 2010


For Lent, I gave up chocolate and fast food. These sounded like a good sacrifice... both are important to me and less of both in my life is a good thing. I had a picture in my head of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus one size smaller and spiritually cleansed.

I've gained two pounds this week. Did you know that white chocolate cookies are really good? Totino's Party Pizza's are also amazing.

Looking down at the scale, I had a flash of myself in a bathrobe whining about men and swimsuits like Cathy. Cathy was the scary comic strip on Sunday afternoons. She taught us young girls of the 80's and 90's what will happen if we don't find a man. Apparently, we become neurotic lonely cat women who can't hold a relationship.

Since I haven't read a funny page in about 10 years, I was surprised to hear that my favorite whiney cartoon character got married. (and by "favorite" I mean not funny and depressing)

I don't know what to think about this. I had a flash of turning into Cathy, but Cathy is actually less of a loser than I am right now. I am going to comfort myself with the fact that I have never whined about bikini's (they were never an option), bad perms, facial products, or Valentine's Day.

I do have a lot of shoes, though. And my poodle is a close match to a cat. I also whine on this blog a lot about men and self-loathing.


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