Saturday, November 30, 2013

"Talking" with men.

My generation was robbed of this wonderful label for the period of flirtation and mutual interest before you actually date someone.  Before the 25 and younger crowd created this phenomenon, you could only admit that you had a crush on someone and that you really, really hope they ask you out.

I think that this awesome new phase of relationships is proof of human evolution. 

Friend:  Hey, what is up with you and Johnny?
Me:  Well, right now we are talking...
Friend:  Oooooo, I knew it!  Tell me more!

I love it!   I can now claim to have at least the shadow of a relationship with a socially acceptable label!*  It makes me feel very cool.

Online dating and dating in general is just a cycle of talking with a man, getting my hopes up, dropping it either right before or right after the first date, and then starting the cycle all over again with a new man.

I am now talking with the fourth man since re-entering this dating cycle.  Exhausting.  I must remind myself that one wonderful, magical, planet-aligning day... I will end up talking to a man who becomes a boyfriend. 

*Explaining this makes it very clear that I am old and a little bit sad. 

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