Saturday, November 30, 2013

Serious Talking Strike #2

Man number two had a lot of potential.  He is gainfully employed, single, cute, black, and has a very sexy French-Canadian accent. 

He got my phone number.  We texted.  He called.  We talked on the phone.

Although we never got past small talk and flirting, I quickly learned that he was used to a certain amount of drama. If I didn't text back fast enough, he would write "it seems that you are busy..."

I said that I like to take things slow and keep it light for the first few dates.  He told me that he hates it when women lie to him and string him along.  He is looking for the real thing.

The nail in the coffin?  We tentatively made a date for a Sunday evening.  He hadn't chosen the spot yet as of Tuesday night and said he would get back to me.  He texted small talk on Wednesday and then I didn't hear from him again until mid-afternoon on Sunday.

In the grown-up world, you make other plans when the man you have never met quits texting.  I told him that I made other plans, even though I could have dropped everything and met him an hour away with only two hours' notice.  I have self respect.

He got really pissy and accused me of playing games.  What????  Are we in high school again?  I don't have time or the emotional energy for games, little man.  If you are this much drama before we meet, I have no desire to experience your drama face to face!

No thank you! 

Drama Man follow-up:  He texted me a cryptic Happy Thanksgiving message that began with the phrase "We may not always get what we want..."  I did not reply.

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