Monday, October 17, 2011

oh, so that's how you want to play?

I have to admit that I am on the short path to burnout. I need to find some quality spiritual restoration. That being said, here is my attitude tonight:

A dad emailed this to me:

Hey jenny. Thanks for taking Hannah out tonight. I do wish you had waited until a weekend night. Hannah was so tired when she got home that she did not do her math homework. We usually try and keep her in on school nights.

My thought? Fuck you very much, asshole. I took your daughter and her friends out because they texted me at 3:30 on a Friday wanting me to give up my evening to be their entertainment because you wouldn't take them anywhere. A Monday dinner was my way of saying "I love and value you" while keeping my boundaries. I was exhausted when I picked up your daughter and her friends. After dinner her quote was, "Let's do something else! We can't just go home! I don't want to go do homework yet!"

So? I let them come along to Kroger for 10 minutes while I bought Crystal Light. I dropped your daughter off at 8pm. YOU weren't home. Neither was your wife. Or your 8 year-old daughter. Where were you with your younger daughter on a Monday night?

What time did you finally get home? What time did your 15 year-old say that I dropped her off? Did you know that 15 year-old girls are lying bitches? They are. And yours wants to get pregnant by 18....

But I'll honor your wishes and try to invest in her less. Obviously math was impossible for her after 8pm. BTW- she was on Facebook at 10pm. Go fuck yourself.

Of course, I didn't say any of this to the clueless bastard of a dad. What did I do instead? I emailed the woman in charge of my denomination's reference and referral and asked her to send out my resume across the nation. Agressively.

Yes, I think I might be burnt out.

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