Monday, June 7, 2010

the internet is back!

My internet at home was down for about a week. It made me realize how much I depend on that connection to the wider world. Have you lost electricity for an extended amount of time? You adjust to the dark, grab a book, and still have moments of "oh yeah, that won't work without electricity." That is me and the internet.

I wonder what the recipe for that is? Hmmm. No internet. How much do I have left in my bank account? I have to wait until tomorrow at work to find out! Oh, I missed last week's episode of my favorite show. I don't want to watch the new one until I catch up online. Oh wait. Damn.

One short week without high speed information at my fingertips has made me feel nostalgic and old. So much has changed with this amazing invention! For nerdy people like me who love to look up random facts as questions come to mind, it is an extension of my cognitive life. Without, wikipedia or readily available (I resist Google simply because everyone uses it), I feel like my brain is left with unfinished threads hanging bare. I have fuzzy memories of my childhood when we'd pick up the out-of-date encyclopedias to learn something but it rarely answered our question.

Oh well. I am old and addicted.

Speaking of addicted, I still love swimming! There is no kind of tired that feels better than being worn out, in a swimsuit, and smelling like chlorine. I've never had a sport before, but I think I've stumbled upon one now. When I get home from swimming, I can't wait to go back. The other women in my class even say that I make it look easy. Woo-hoo! I hope it lasts!

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