Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I have to be a bitch

I talk a good talk about being a bitch. It is an empowerment thing. When it comes down to pre-meditated necessary bitchiness, I am a complete coward. That is probably a good thing because it means that I don't actually want to hurt people.

It is a bad thing today. The ex-boyfriend emailed me a few days ago. I hadn't talked to him in weeks, not since I refused to take him to the doctor at 4:30am. His email was a "where have you been?" kind of thing. Today he called. I didn't answer the phone, hoping that passive-aggressive would free me from the obligation of outright bitchiness.

No such luck. In his message, he said that he'd dropped by my work and I wasn't there. What??? He is dropping by my work? Why? Damn!

I understand that I did say aloud when we broke up that I still wanted to be friends. It was in agreement with his desire. I just thought that all full-grown people know that isn't possible. I am tired of this man and I am now going to have to outright tell him that I don't want to "hang," "chat," "do lunch," or "check in."

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