Sunday, April 24, 2011

walking petri dish

You know those sci-fi movies where one person is sick, and walks all around town spreading their toxic liquids around the world all the while looking nastier by the moment? That was me this week. Correction, that is STILL me.

I am now on day 5 of a nasty cold that came just in time for the chaos of Holy Week. Normally when I get sick (which hasn't been often this year), it is because I stayed up all night with teenagers or quit eating anything healthy for a few weeks or something of that nature. I can point to an event or decision and say "damn, I deserve this."

This cold is different. It hit me out of the blue in a stretch of time when I was sleeping well, eating well, and even working in the yard (as opposed to sitting on the couch with my dog). There is not a cold epidemic in my is just me.

Miserable, feverish, dark green snot, coughing, sore throat, infected ears and everything. It is still a common cold. The doctor can't do anything for you.

I am happy to report that 3 days of complete silence (sorry friends for not answering the phone or being coherent enough to text to say that I am not answering the phone) and countless cups of hot tea allowed me to preserve my voice for early Easter morning preaching. After the sermon, I quit drinking all of the damned tea and actually spoke to people from a safe distance. Now my voice is going, going, gone. Who cares now?

Okay, I'm done whining! Here is the cool-to-me experience from having a cold:

I blew my nose into a tissue and threw it in the toilet without flushing it. Who wastes water on just tissue? Not this earth-day woman! The next morning, the germs from one tissue somehow multiplied and grew an actual ring around my toilet. OVERNIGHT. That is nasty and awesome at the same time!

Happy Easter, world! This preacher is now going to bed with her most recent lovers: cough drops, tissues, nyquil, and vicks vapo-rub.

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