Monday, December 9, 2013

Date #3: Mr. Right and the Undertow

Date #3:  Mr. Right  I was very excited about my date with Mr. Right!  On the entire drive there, I found myself praying "Lord, please let this guy be who I think he is!"  My only worry was that he might be very old or weight 600 pounds or look nothing like the tiny photo I saw weeks ago.

We texted back and forth (always initiated by him) as we separately got ready for the date, making the lead up all the more fun.

Mr. Right was wonderful!  Very cute!  I arrived at the bar and he looked like I hoped!  He is a 39 year old computer geek with great social skills.  He is a dreamer and told me about all of the places that he wants to visit and things that he wants to do.  While telling the stories, he asked me if I'd go swimming with the sharks with him or to Georgia.  What really set Mr. Right apart is that he asked me about myself.  WTF???  Men are supposed to just talk about themselves and then their eyes are supposed to glaze over if I start to tell them about my life!

We talked for 4 hours!  As we walked out of the bar, he told me that he'd love to go out again next weekend.  I said I liked him and I am free.  We hugged and then he awkwardly kissed me.  It began snowing and we lingered in the parking lot for a few minutes as he kept coming up with new things to say to me so that he could walk back and kiss me again.  The man held my hand and told me how wonderful he thinks it is that I am a pastor.

When I pulled out of the parking lot, he stood there watching my car go with longing in his eyes.  He then texted to make sure that I got home safely.

Thank the Lord!  A great date!  I had images of New Year's Eve together, going on weekend trips, meeting his mom, getting married, and having beautiful babies!  Okay, the New Year's Eve was the only serious fantasy but the date was great enough that I found myself moving the way of Brigit Jones.

Sunday afternoon, I texted Mr. Right.  We had a short exchange and, although I left him many openings to be flirty or to talk about us dating, he was kind of a drag.  He actually talked about heartburn, being overweight, and needing to work out.  I do not know if this was him feeling self-conscious or a hint that he would like me to work out (it has happened before with other men).

Today he didn't text at all.  Since I initiated the bummer texting yesterday, this may not be a good sign.

I will give him tomorrow to text.  For now, I am preparing myself for the strong possibility that Mr. Right may be Mr. Not-Really-Into-Jenny.

We will see if this undertow is a great ride that takes me to deep places or, more likely, will just leave me hopeless and drowning.  

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