Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Judgment Day

It has come for the second time. 

The first judgment day snuck up on me slowly.  It was small changes at first and then everything went downhill until there was no denying the impending judgment.  I survived that first time with little cost.

Little Cost.  I knew that it was too much grace, as if I just put off the ultimate day of doom.  I lived for years in fear and trembling.  Waiting.  Watching.  Feeling my door frames and breathing in sweet relief that I had survived another day without the inevitable.

And now it is here.  It came in the night, sometime between 1am and 5am.  I awoke and knew.  From a deep sleep, I sat up and said, "This is not good."

Yes.  My air conditioning is broken.

There is no going back to sleep when I wake up to a hot house.  Now I have to wait.  One day.  Maybe two.  I wait for some person to come to my house and give me the news.  Am I going to receive grace?  It could be a $20 part and a $40 job.  Am I going to be held accountable for my home ownership actions?  It could be a $100 part and a $300 job.  Am I going to be given the ultimate judgment, dooming me to debt?  I may have to buy a new unit.

The day is come.  Maybe the holder of my fate with allow me to buy time before finally paying the ultimate cost.  Can we please wait a few years for a new unit, Mr. A/C repair man?  Until I know, I feel like I could throw up.  Sleep is no longer an option.  Today is going to be humid and 95 degrees.  Oh, the misery of a beat-down soul.

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