Friday, August 19, 2011

who could ask for more?

I woke up this morning in a bad mood. A wonderful dream about being loved was ripped from my mind and replaced by the sound of an alarm. And an empty house. And another day of work. And a horrible, resentful mood.

It didn't go away. I had to explain to my male co-workers that I had a bitch seething just below the out.

At 3pm, I realized that feeling bad inside and out may actually be due to getting sick. Achiness and an unexplained hatred toward the world = a nasty cold in 2 days.

I left at 4:15, went home, got the dog, and left again to gather supplies for a wild Friday night in bed (movies, food, gatorade). Because I felt bad, I did not put my jeans back on. I left the house in a dress that is 4 inches too short to be respectable. I figure that I am technically dressed and I will drive past actual hookers to get my pizza, so I can risk looking foolish for 2 minutes.

I pulled into the grease-stained parking lot of the gas station to get my red box movies. While standing in front of my machine outside and dodging cars that drive precariously close to me, a lady pulls up and says something out the window. She is eating fries and I can't understand her.

Me: I'm sorry, what? (polite smile)
Her: Girrrl. (with a fry literally hanging out of her mouth) You WEARIN' that lil' dress.
Me: (beaming but trying to play it cool) Thanks.

Grease-stained parking lot, over-crowded crappy gas station, and fries hanging out of her mouth...this woman just made my day.

Thank you, lady. YOU are why I love my town. Who could ask for more?

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