Sunday, August 21, 2011

my invention

Tonight I stumbled upon a new awesome thing: Extreme Lawnmowing!

How does one stumble upon extreme lawnmowing?

Step 1: Put off mowing until the you have dandelions that are mature enough to turn into white puffs of seeds in the next 12 hours.

Step 2: Wait at work for an extra 40 minutes with a kid whose big brother is always late picking him up.

Step 3: Notice stormclouds on the horizon as you pull into your driveway 10 minutes before the sunset.

The result is me flying across the lawn at the top lawnmower speed. It was dark within minutes, which forced me to turn on the headlights. I do all this while watching huge bolts of lightening move from the horizon to overhead.

It. Was. Awesome. I will wake up tomorrow to a lawn with huge patches of unmowed grass, but I knocked out most of the dandelions that would otherwise have multiplied by noon tomorrow.

Extreme lawnmowing = top speeds in the dark with lightning flashing overhead.

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