Tuesday, August 2, 2011

seasons for singles

"When Harry Met Sally" was on TV yesterday and Harry said something that I've known for a few years now. It was clearly fall in NYC and they were walking through charming scenes with falling orange leaves. Harry mentions how much the holidays suck for single people. Of course, it was written in some funny way like "I often want to go to bed in November and just not wake up again until after the New Year."

That. Is. So. True.

I am looking at the last 2 months of my best season to be a single woman. It makes sense that I always want to fall in love in October but never in July. Why?

My birthday is in October. It usually falls on the weekend of my family reunion, which I can never attend 1100 miles away. All alone for my birthday and missing family.

Thanksgiving is sad (although less sad now that I have friends to share it with). That is a holiday for family recipes, arguing over the TV remote, and cooking with my mom for 3 days. Again, family is 1100 miles away! I get an awkward pity call from family instead.

Christmas lasts for an entire month. Even when I go home for Christmas, it doesn't make up for the previous 3 weeks of having no family and no date for countless Christmas parties. There is nothing more depressing than decorating my house for Christmas and no one ever seeing it.

New Years. Enough Said.

We recover from New Years and begin to settle into the comfortable cold of winter. I enjoy hiding my holiday fat under layers of clothes and go months without shaving. All is well!

Until Valentine's Day. Fuck you, Valentine's Day.

Yes, fall and winter are horrible seasons for single people. Last year, I had an emotional breakdown when the man I thought might lead to a charming family Thanksgiving dinner quit calling at the beginning of October. My crying fits and self pity lasted for 5 solid days. Why? I'd put all my holiday eggs in one basket and the basket turned out to be a self-absorbed ass.

Fall may be around the corner, but today is August 2nd! Summer is wonderful and exciting! I don't have energy for dating right now! I am happy with meaningful friends and a busy job! My dog is awesome! This is a good season to be single, even if I know that October will eventually come back around to bite me.

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