Sunday, July 18, 2010

pink fingernails

I painted my fingernails today for the first time in years. It was not out of creative impulse, but practicality. I spent the last week tie dying t-shirts for work and my fingernails are black. The pink nail polish was my weak attempt at trying to NOT look like I had zombie hands.

The results were disappointing and surprising. First, my fingers still look like zombie hands, only with pink mixed in with the black. Second, I re-discovered the mind altering affect of nail polish.

With pink nails, I am now constantly aware of the fact that I am feminine. I am not "me" typing on a laptop, I am a girl with pink nails typing. It wasn't "me" who deposited a check into the bank was my girly, non-gender-neutral hands. I feel like a ten year-old all over again! It is fun! At least, I think it is fun.

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