Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Texas, My Texas!

Texas will always be home.  I am a Texan.  I love Texas and its many quirks.  I love that it is such a large state that we have at LEAST four disctinct accents and cultures.  I love the arrogance and self-importance of Texas.  When I moved away from Texas, I enjoyed discovering just how much the rest of the nation thinks about and brands things around Texas.  We get a lot more air time than, say, Pennsylvania.

I love Texas unless we are talking politics or religion.  Election season is a brutal time for me.  Even from the comfort of the East Coast (although my present state of residence is not getting great air time either), I can't escape the stupidity and staunch Republican Southern Baptist White Unapologetic views from my home state.

They voted to do away with all Planned Parenthood in Texas, finding a loophole that lets them ignore federal mandate.


The damned anti-Obama movie that is feeding the fear of uneducated masses came from Houston.


A judge in Texas has threatened Civil War if Obama is re-elected and is preparing folks for the fight.

Even in Texas, that is BATSHIT CRAZY!!!!!

Those were just the news stories from one afternoon.  It will be a long three months between now and the election...
She is sad because she has no place to get a free papsmear or breast exam... the bull is worried about her impending cervical cancer that will go untreated.

Oh Texas.  I realize that I am your wayward child.  I've left your strong borders and lived outside of the conservative bubble for too long.  I no longer belong.  You will always be my home, but I guess there is no going home, is there?  I am sorry for moving away and learning that there is a bigger, wider, and more liberal world out there. 

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