What to do? I damned the man. That's right, I angered the Swiffer gods by beating their system of selling mops that eat up pricey cleaner that you must replace every third use.
I can refill my refill, damn it! I ALWAYS have bleach and dish soap!
I tried prying off the lid, but Swiffer apparently foresaw cheap bitches like me and made their lid unremovable.
Did I stop? No! I cut a hole in the bottom of the bottle that will now be my permenant Swiffer homemade formula holder.
Side note: My dog felt so confused about me cleaning that she followed me around the house and sat at my feet every time that I paused. She is now sitting right up next to me. When your dog is emotionally traumatized by 2 hours of quiet cleaning, it is time for a serious lifestyle change.
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